Crystal Clear Aquariums is Montana’s leading source for all of your aquarium needs, specializing in custom aquarium design, leasing, installation and maintenance services. We offer a wide variety of aquariums to fit any décor for your home or office. We carry stony corals, soft corals, anemones, clams, and many others. Our selection reflects the variety of colors to make your reef tank stand out, and our selection is changing all the time as we get exciting new specimens in regularly. Our staff can help you find the right fish from our large selection to make your marine or reef aquarium just right! We are excited about your aquarium interest and look forward to helping you set up and maintain your new aquarium no matter what size!
Call us today to get an aquarium set up and maintained in your home or office. 406-585-1151.

We Offer Aquarium Financing!
Want to pay over time? At Crystal Clear Aquariums, we offer financing for your home or office aquarium purchase. You can click the link below to view your financing options.
Full-Service Leases Now Available
Crystal Clear Aquariums makes it easy to enjoy the beauty of a living coral reef. Our unique leasing plan covers all equipment, maintenance, even animals! With our team of expert service technicians, and our 100% replacement guarantee, you can enjoy your coral reef without worry.
Leases are available for almost any size aquarium. Call us today, and we can show you how easy it can be to enjoy your own piece of a coral reef ecosystem.
Why Own an Aquarium?
The tranquil sound of flowing water and the graceful beauty of schooling fish combined with the peaceful swaying ocean corals create an atmosphere of harmony. The beauty and elegance of an aquarium enhances any environment. Adding an aquarium to your home or office will reduce stress and boost moral!